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09 feb. 2024 | Torino. Seminario gratuito sugli impianti di rilevazione, di spegnimento e misure di protezione passiva: gli strumenti a disposizione del professionista antincendio


L’Associazione Prevenzioneincenditalia, in collaborazione con importanti partner tecnici, ha organizzato un seminario informativo. L’evento si terrà il 09 febbraio 2024 dalle 14:30 alle 18:30 presso NOVOTEL TORINO a Torino.

The seminar aims to clarify and deepen the understanding of some of the regulations governing the fire safety sector, providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the requirements that every designer and/or installer must be familiar with and constantly update. During the meeting, the latest technologies supporting fire prevention and protection are examined, presenting the topics from a practical standpoint. What should be the approach of a fire safety professional? How is the process of studying and designing individual fire safety measures developed? What are the responsibilities and obligations set by law? Through both theoretical and practical insights, participants will be properly informed about the current regulatory framework (national and international) and the materials, components, and complex systems that meet the latest quality standards.

Registration for the event is free and can be done through the Prevenzioneincenditalia Association's website.

Don't miss the opportunity to attend this important event and learn from the leading companies in the fire prevention sector.

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